My sister called me after her ultrasound today and told me she is having a boy! I was completely wrong - I thought for sure it was gonna be a girl. I am so excited! I went out today and bought him two little outfits - don't tell hubby - he took my debit card away! But I had a secret stash of leftover money to spend! I can't help it - I love to buy baby things!
My wonderful hubby also just bought me a 2001 Dodge Durango. I LOVE it! It has every option you could imagine and then some! He is so pretty! (my truck - not my hubby - I would never call him pretty!) And I am so glad because he went to the auto auction and not only did he get a fabulous deal on it but he almost came home with a minivan for me instead. Not to knock them but they are so not my speed! So I am forever grateful to him for that. I really like that it has a 3rd row seat that folds down flat too - not taking it out. So when we move to NC and I start watching my new nephew I have room for all 3 car seats! Not sure where I will be able to go with three tiny ones by myself but hey - other people do it - so can I!
We decided to move in January - we are going to rent our house out to a friend since the market here sucks so bad. I am so excited to move and be close to my sister again. We are probably gonna rent a house for a year or two until we sell ours in FL so we don't get in over our heads with 2 mortgages! I am not looking forward to the car ride with my two beast dogs though - especially my Roscoe (Bubba) as he likes to stand over your shoudler and pant and drool the entire car ride!!! We will have to sucker someone else into driving him! And he is so not allowed in my new truck!
My dad has been greatly improving - they have taken his trach and his feeding tube out and he is sitting up and feeding himself. They have started getting him up to stand and walk a little bit although he is still very weak and unsteady. But he looks so good compared to the 1st day in the hospital. I am so impressed with how far he has come. They are trying to get him into a nursing home or rehab facility soon.
I never did get my new camera - Justin found the warantee on the stinkin Sony that doesn't zoom. Hopefully thay will not have been able to fix it and I can get a new one! Here's to hoping anyways. I have borrowed my mom's in the meantime - she has the same new Sony that I was gonna buy to replace my old one. But of course - Bella is staying the night with her tonight - so no pics! I will post some soon though I promise.