Sorry it's been a while but I've been a little busy having a baby! Alexis was born on 10/25/07 at 5:15 pm by c-section. For those of you who know what a freak I am - I wanted to watch but unfortunately the angles of the mirror were off so I was not able to see. I wanted to watch when I had Bella too and they had said no - so I made my Doc tell me everything he was doing! He says he has never had anyone want to know before! Leave it to a freak like me - lol. Anyways, everything went well with the surgery and they took her to the nursery to get her weighed and such and said they would call me with details. Well freak I am, of course hubby was again instructed not to leave her side - in case of a baby swap - you never know! So imagine my surprise when they called and said she weighed 10 lbs 1 oz!!!! And just hours earlier the ultrasound showed 8 lbs 10 oz! Talk about some amazing growth! But the funny thing is, she doesn't look as big as Bella did at 8 lbs 11 oz. Bella was all chunk and not as long, Lexi was 21 1/2 inches and has skinny legs and no behind!

So Bella got to meet her and was very excited and wanted to hold her and kiss her. I was amazed at how well behaved she had been what with not being with me those 4 days I was in the hospital - it has always been the two of us since I get to stay home with her. So far she has handled things well. The hardest part for me was when she would say "up" when she wanted me to hold her and I could not lift her. Talk about breaking my heart. But then the day after I had the baby, they had to take her to the NICU for low blood sugars and put her on an IV. Poor Bella didn't understand where she went so she kept trying to lift my shirt and see my belly and asking "Baby"?

So poor Lexi was in the NICU for 5 days - I had to go home without her - that was very hard. She did very well though - they had the IV in her wrist for the first few days and then moved it to her head - twice. My poor bubby was pricked in the heel at every feeding to check her sugars. I was so happy to finally get her home. The nurses there were fantastic but it was hard to not be with her those first few days. We visited her all the time and came for most of her feedings but it was not the same at all.

So now she is home with us and we a re all settling in so I thought I'd take a minute to update and get some pics posted. And that's the story of Lexi's arrival.