I can not believe that my baby girl Lexi turned one year old yesterday. It makes me sad to see how fast it goes by! We had a busy day yesterday so I did not get to post a Happy Birthday message to her until now. There was a Fall Festival in Ormond Beach that we went to and had a blast. My mom joined us and also my cousin and her two kids. They had face painting, pumpkin painting, a bounce house, a big slide, a petting zoo, horse rides, and a firetruck along with a little bitty firetruck that talked! It was so cute and Bella kept hugging it and kissing it and she kept saying she wanted to hold the baby firetruck! Haha.
Face painting
Bella's spider
Nana & Lexi on the big slide
Painting a pumpkin
The baby firetruck
So after that we went to our Halloween party for the mom's group I am in, Palm Coast Sweet Peas. That was also a load of fun with games, tattoos, another bounce house, more pumkin painting, and of course CUPCAKES! Cause you know Bella was not eating any of the food once she spotted those! I was lucky there was some watermelon or the girl would not have eaten at all! So needless to say, both girls were tuckered out - and so was I - so here's a few pics better late than never! And since we had so much planned for yesterday we are having her birthday next weekend.
Bounce House
Bella loved the spider decoration
"Baby Corner"
Bella and Ethan picking out pumpkins to paint
And making friends with the scarecrow
Hugging the scarecrow while Ethan looks on
Painting another pumpkin with Alexis
Birthday Girl!
Fishing with all the kids
Getting a tattoo
The girl is on a spider kick lately!
Still smilin'
Finally got her cupcake!
One Happy Girl
Two Happy Girls