Saturday, February 02, 2008

The "B" is broke

I have been thinking about taking Bella's "B" away as she is about to turn two soon. She only has it during naptime and bedtime but I still felt it was time to get rid of it. I thought about it a while ago but it did not seem right with Lexi coming, especially since I knew she would be using one. And for all those who don't know, "B" is what we call her binkie. So I decided yesterday was our big day. She made a new friend at the park, Abby, that she talks about non stop so I figured, I could use that to my advantage. I told her that Abby does not use a "B" so we were going to give ours up. I also told her about everyone else she knows that does not use a "B". On the car ride home from our playdate with Miss Abby, I explained that we would be throwing away her B when we got home. It did not quite go down that way though. As soon as we got in her room, she asked for "B". I went into the kitchen and snipped the end off of it, as I have been told by many friends that this worked for them. I brought it into her room and told her that her "B" is broke. She repeated broke and tried it and immediately spit it out, while giving it a funny look. I thought, alright, this will be easier than I thought! How wrong was I???? Very much so come to find out. She fell asleep after about 10 solid minutes of crying, which she does not normally cry when she goes to sleep, she usually conks right out. I figured she was overtired because we were way behind our normal schedule so I let her cry it out. Ten minutes was not so bad, but then she woke up crying after being asleep for maybe 15 minutes. And she would not go down again. I tried everything. I brought her and turtle and pillow in with me as she always sleeps with them, but she wanted nothing to do with either one. She did let me rock her and sing to her for a few minutes but then started crying again. After an unsuccessful 30 minutes, I just let her get up, because at that point Lexi was crying too and there was no way any of us were getting any sleep. Then came bedtime. Ouch. 48 solid minutes of crying. We did take turns going in and trying to settle her but all she wanted was "B". I showed it to her, as I had decided not to throw it away but use it to show her it was broke. But she is a smart cookie and asked for a "nodder one" since she knows she has about 8 other ones laying around. But I told her no, they are all broke. After a bit more crying, Daddy went in and she went to sleep shortly after that. But it does not end there. I was up with her at least ten to twelve times troughout the night. She kept waking up crying. I felt like the most awful mom in the world by the time we got up this morning but felt much better when she gave me a big hug and kiss when she did get up. At least she did not hold a grudge. Yet. Today she asked for it again at naptime but went to sleep within minitues without much fuss. I think she is just exhasuted from lack of sleep. So here's to hoping for an easier transition. Oh, except she's crying and up again after only a 30 minute nap. She used to sleep for 2-3 hours........

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